Role of sanitation pests was well understood by Dr Uday Bhawalkar
during his PhD program(1975-1995) at the chemical engineering department
of IIT Bombay. This is well presented in his thesis. This write-up
is an attempt to present that understanding in simple terms that
could be understood by a common man and also the policy makers.
Sanitation pests are ants(black, red, etc.), cockroaches, flies,
rats and mosquitoes. Of these, mosquitoes breed in water and other
sanitation pests breed on ground covered with organic food. It is
a law of ecology that each animal is designed by Nature, to eat
its designed food. So the food quality decides which animal will
breed. Let us try to understand this.
Each food has carbohydrates(source of energy), proteins(body-building
molecule) and nitrates(food pollution). It is the nitrates that
decide which animal will breed with a given food supply. To make
the understanding easier, let us denote the nitrates(food pollution)
belonging to various bands as described below:
(Digit of Pollution) Animal |
First |
Black ant,
cockroach |
Second |
Fly eating
the food |
Third |
Rat |
Fourth |
Red ant |
Fifth |
Fly maggots(breeding
of flies) |
Against the common perception, black ants and cockroaches abound
in a relatively clean surrounding(food). Black ants are specifically
honored in Indian culture as "god's ants", they indicate
prosperity and their killing is forbidden. Cockroaches indicate
slightly higher pollution, but still it is in the first digit. Cockroach
is designed to present its ugly appearance to us, this is aimed
at appealling us to increase the cleanliness of food and surrounding.
While the mother may praise her schoolkid getting 92 marks, she
will also challenge the kid to get full marks! To put it simply,
having black ants in the house implies the house is 98% clean, cockroach
indicates the house is 92% clean. There are two ways of reducing
the cockroach problem: make the house clean or make it dirty by
using toxic chemicals. Use of phenyl, dettol, savlon, etc. to clean
the house or hospital, thus, amounts to increasing the pollution.
This is no smart way to solve the pest problem in our surrounding!
Flies can come for two reasons, either to lay their eggs on putrifying
proteinous foods or just for enjoying the sugar-rich foods. It is
necessary to identify the role the fly is playing at a given instance.
Putrifying flesh liberates horrible odor, this attracts the flies,
they lay eggs which hatch into wriggly maggots. Maggots actually
eat the putrid flesh and help clean the material, the maggots thus
reduce the odor. When antibiotics have lost their effectiveness
in modern times, modern hospitals in Europe and USA are using the
fly maggots to clean the wounds and prevent gangrene. In fact, the
maggot therapy was standardised by Napoleon's doctor. This was discontinued
after the arrival of antibiotics on the scene. So, if there is odor
and flies, the flies are there to do their prime task of laying
eggs. If the flies are there without any odor, the flies are just
enjoying their sugary meal, this food is in the second digit of
pollution. Flies lay eggs only if the food is very toxic (fifth
digit of pollution).
Rats come if the food is in the third digit of pollution. Food pollution
gets amplified with warm temperature. Rats, hence are found to build
up their population in the warm period after the rains(this brings
in pollution after washing the polluted air that has built its nitrogen
oxides over the past 100 years). This period is August-September
when rats and rats' predator(cobra) aew worshipped in India through
the festivals of Nag Panchami and Ganesh festival, respectively.
Ganesh festival is for worshipping the Lord Ganesh as well as the
rat(his vehicle). The message is to honor the scavenging role of
rat, rat protects our health by eating the polluted food.
Red ants come in the fourth band of pollution, they bite us severely,
only to indicate the seriousness of pollution.
If the proteinous food is heaped or buried underground, the fly
maggots face problems reaching the food. Rats have the muscle power
to penetrate such heaps or dead animals that are buried underground.
This food, that is processed without the presence of oxygen, however,
is too toxic for rats and hence they suffer from a disease called
plague. Plague is the sign of overburdened sanitary workers of Nature.
In general, any animal catches a disease only if subjected to stressful
conditions(higher pollution).
So, if the dead animals are just kept on ground, the fly maggots
will finish the job within a week, however first 5 days will create
lot of odor. If the dead animal is already bloated due to drowning
in water, the flesh is too toxic for the flies and the stench will
continue for a long period. People can only think of burying such
animals. But these can attract the rat action later and the rats
can die of overburden of work, starting the plague. During the reign
of Mughal king Jehangir, his capital(Agra, not Delhi) used to have
plague. Jehangir has reported in his biography that the cats eating
the plague-affcted rats.. also suffered from the plague. All connected
animals that have low immunity, die of plague. Man is also connected
because he has commited the mistake of either piling the garbage
or buring the dead animals. No wonder, then that few weak souls
also suffer from plague. This is Nature's way of warning us that
we should tackle the pollution properly.
Pune-Mumbai region has 40 years of plague from 1896 to 1936. The
plague used to come after the immersion of Lord Ganesh each year
and last for a month or two. This matches with the model discussed
above that pollution and warm temperature of October is a good period
for plague.
Even the plague in the Latur's earthquake area also came in October.
Dead animals that got buried under the debris created the plague.
The Surat plague also came in October and this was due to burying
the dead animals that came through the flooded Tapi river.
Veterinary experts recommend that dead animals be buried with liberal
use of calcium oxide and salt, this delays the biological activity,
carrying it over a year, instead of one month. Use of such materials
act similar to the car's carburettor(slow, need-based release of
petrol) and planting a tree on the buried animal(also with calcium
oxide and salt) was an old practice in our villages.
If in Mumbai, we have buried the animals in haste, it is not recommended
NOW to dig them out again. The stench can kill the municipal workers,
5 workers had instant death while they tried to shift a dead dog
that had lied covered with pile of garbage in a municipal bin in
Pune in 1998. An effective way is to biosanitize the area by sprinkling
10 grams of VERMI++ BIOSANITIZER per m2 of burial ground. This will
help us to prevent any likelihood of plague in October 2005, in
"Amchi Mumbai". Rain will take the BIOSANITIZER's effect
below within a week's time. In general, every dumping ground should
get its load of BIOSANITIZER at 10 grams/m2, to solve the problems
of air-water pollution that the landfills create, this pollution
comes back to us any way, through polluted acid rain(modern rain
is rich in carbonic and nitric acids because the rain washes the
polluted air that has more of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides
due to our modern cars. So the landfills is no smart solution, it
is only a NIMBY(Not In My BackYard) solution. With the use of BIOSANITIZER,
the landfills will produce harvestable manure and thus will not
get filled up, forcing us to go away from the city centre each year.
It is however, very easy to recycle our garbage in our locality
itself using the power of BIOSANITIZER, so trucking the garbage
away and disturbing some other area is not necessary. Out of 800
tons of Pune's daily garbage production, it is estimated that about
200 tons gets processed daily by eco-sensitive citizens. They prefer
YIMBY(Yes, In My Back Yard) to the NIMBY approach. Supreme Court
of India has issued guidelines to keep the dry(packaging and other
industry-originated) waste and wet(Nature-originated) waste separate
at each house and encourage their recycling to their respective
source. It has become mandatory for each new building that is constructed
in Pune, to start the project to recycle wet(natural) waste using
vermiculture or improved BIOSANITIZER method. It is, thus, not difficult
to come to a zero garbage situation by adopting this practical method.
Garbage, after all is only a raw material, it becomes organic waste
only after we decide to waste it. "Wasted organics" is,
thus, a better term for "organic wastes".
1. Why the plague that lasted in Pune-Mumbai region
for 40 years at the beginning of twentieth century, not so common
these days? If plague is due to pollution created by wrong handling
of wasted solids, have we improved our methods recently?
>>We are still using the same old method,
only we have become extra smart by shifting half of urban human
excreta into rivers, lakes or into the sea. While in slums, human
excreta gets mixed with the garbage, the elite use 999 parts of
drinking water to flush 1 part of dry human excreta, thus producing
sewage that is 99.9 percent drinking water. Because of this clever
trick, plague has become less common these years. But then we get
another sanitary pest- mosquitoes breed in polluted water bodies.
They end up cleaning the water bodies when their larvae grow up
consuming the water pollution. Mosquitoes bite only those people
whose blood has nitrates. Only female mosquitoes bite us, they need
blood with proteins and nitrates. Before actual biting, they sense
our blood nitrates by smelling our skin. Nitrates produce specific
smelling compounds in our blood and these are also in the sweat.
Their biting also warns us to stop polluting our water bodies.
2. But, don't the mosquitoes breed in all stagnant
water pools?
>> No, they need their food(nitrates). Rain
water, though it looks apparently clean, has nitrates and no organic
food. This is more difficult situation for mosquitoes and only dengue
mosquitoes can do this difficult task. Malaria mosquitoes breed
if sewage is mixed with the rain water. Because the sewage has organic
food, it presents an easier task for the malaria mosquitoes. If
there is still higher food/nitrates ratio, one sees breeding of
ordinary mosquitoes that bite us during the night. At still higher
food/nitrate ratio, we get breeding of frogs and fish. Fish is a
prize Nature gives us if we do not overburden our water bodies with
nitrates. Rain brings in nitrates, that is why we hear the frog-sound
in the rainy season. It is to warn the wise man that our air is
polluted with nitrogen oxides that produce rain with nitrates. Soil
has a few mechanism to manage the nitrates, hence we get fish and
frogs in pools, but if we store water in modern clean tanks, it
breeds dengue mosquitoes. Storing rain water or even the municipal
tap water for more than 10 days is a sure recipe to breed the dengue
mosquitoes. Use of BIOSANITIZER is a simple way to clean the water
body and thus prevent the mosquito breeding.
3. What about the human pathogens?
>> Pathogens are just the microscopic pests,
these also proliferate in media that has less food/nitrates ratio.
This is why the doctors administer glucose, to increase this ratio.
Cheaper and more effective way is to treat our drinking water with
SUJALA BIOSANITIZER and use this water for drinking, cooking, washing,
cleaning, spraying, etc.
4. What is the origin of lepto?
>> With nitrates in our bodies, healing of
wounds get delayed. If we are forced to walk through the water that
is polluted with rat-urine, the lepto germs enter through the open
wounds and we start suffering from lepto. One can prevent this by
using BIOSANITIZER to reduce the rat activity, also by cleaning
our drinking water and all water puddles and pools, using the BIOSANITIZER.
5. What is the origin of hepatitis?
>> It is a disease caused by higher level of nitrates in our body,
hence gives us higher level of warning through more suffering. Also
with the increasing bandwidth of nitrates that we find today, our
proven drugs are becoming less effective, hence there is more fatality
today. It has, thus become imperative to understand that the root
cause of all pathogen-growth is wasted nitrates. Nitrates are good
only for the plants(it is their food), they are not supposed to
enter our bodies through food, water or air. Modern cars produce
nitrogen oxide in air, even CNG and LPG produces nitrogen oxides.
This leads to water pollution because rain washes the air through
which it falls. Use of urea in modern agriculture produces food
that is polluted with unutilised(resudual) nitrates, such food can
be easily distinguished from the organic food by using a simple
fact that organic food has better keeping quality. It is less affected
by food-spoilage mechanisms such as fungal activity, insect-rat
activity, etc. All these agents need more nitrates than the humans
and they are fast enough to cull the food that is bad for the man.
These are thus, only the Nature's mechanisms to cull the faulty
food. Now one can use the BIOSANITIZED water(produced just by putting
a one-time dose of the BIOSANITIZER granules in the well, birewell
or water storage tank) for our food production, also using the biosanitized
water to wash and cook our food is an effective way to remove the
nitrates in an eco-friendly way.
6. What is Nature's way of nitrate management?
>> If nitrates are destroyed by the denitrifying
bacteria, producing the nitrogen gas, carbon dioxide and warmth.
This amounts to waste of Natural resources. Hence, Nature warns
us about this reaction through odor and warmth production, also
through the pest activity. If this reaction occurs in the bodies
of our domestic animals or humans, pathogens come into play. This
is also a warning mechanism.
Nature uses nitrates for the production of food, fuel, etc. While
using the nitrates, Nature also uses carbon dioxide and warmth in
the presence of plant enzymes(catalysts). BIOSANITIZER just replicates
such Natural mechanisms to convert nitrates into oxygen. One packet
of BIOSANITIZER can produce oxygen equivalent to an acre of rich
natural forest, there there are several creatures also get their
share of oxygen. BIOSANITIZER can convert urban pollution and produce
oxygen to correct the deficit created by modern cars that rob the
air of its oxygen and load with pollutants. One can now just put
the BIOSANITIZER in the car's fuel tank and stop the air pollution,
one also can get higher milage, higher power and the extra benefit
of reduced sound pollution and reduced maintenance.. as a bonus.
7. How the climate change can disturb the rain
>> Rain is definitely related to air pollution.
With extreme high level of air pollution, there is no rain and we
face water scarcity. Rain is a reward for moderate air pollution,
in fact our ancient texts also say this fact(Yadnyas produce the
rain, yadnyas were performed to reduce the excess of air pollution).
One can now use the modern BIOSANITIZER in the cars' fuel tank and
perform yadnya to keep the air clean, to get moderate well-distributed
rain pattern. Current level of air pollution in Mumbai and other
fllod-affected areas, is marginally higher, hence Nature is producing
more water from pollution. By reducing the air pollution further,
we can tame the rain and also not have any water scarcity. This
will be far cheaper than the idea of linking the rivers, that will
strain our economy and create more eco-disasters. Each river has
different ecology, hence linking them will amount to connecting
a 240 V line to 11 kV high voltage line! With less air and rain
pollution, the rainwater also seeps easily into the ground, thus
helping us reduce the floods and build up the depleted groundwater
reserve. Nitrates in the rain cause the growth of slimy bacteria.
These choke the soil, hence flooding can be related to air and rain
8. What are the slimy bacteria?
>> These are the denitrifying bacteria that
destroy the nitrates(resource for the plant growth). One can note
the slimy bacterial growth within a day, our utensils produce this
every day on the wet surface. It is necessary to prevent the accumulation
of this growth and houseladies wash their utensils rightfully every
day. The water storage tanks need frequent cleaning, but that is
not practically possible. If we use the BIOSANITIZER granules in
each water storage tank, the tank remains clean every minute through
conversion of nitrates into oxygen. The nitrate-poor and oxy-rich
water resists scaling, rusting, pathogen growth and breeding of
mosquitoes. The biosanitized water also becomes an asset for drinking,
cooking, cleaning and gardening. Sewage pruced with the use of biosanitized
water also has an ability of self-purification, we just need to
provide half a day's time in a tank(open or closed).
